
It’s nothing short of infuriating!  It does no less than put your soul in a bench vice!  It makes you want to throw up your hands, spew a string of profanities that would make Gordon Ramsey blush and abandon this maddening thing called writing!!  It’s an energy stealing, soul sucking, universe imploding ailment called writer’s block and it is the equivalent of writer’s erectile dysfunction. You sit down to your work, be it on a computer, typewriter or a pencil and paper.  Your desire to write bursting at the seams of your soul to explode forth and cover the screen or page with all the wondrous ideas your brains’ firing synapses can muster.  All of creation is waiting with bated breath to read the golden nuggets spilling forth from your fingertips! In my case, I put my headphones on, crank up the music, poise my fingers over the keys and… Nothing! Not a @(^$!#% word! There’s no known cure for Writer’s Block and it is a disease that plagues writer’s everywhere at one time or another.  The bulk of this article will deal with my perspective on Writer’s Block and is, by no means, a definitive all encompassing look at this infuriating phenomenon.   The intent is to share one writer’s battle and frustration with it and to, hopefully, let other writer’s know that if they suffer from this ailment that they are not alone.  At the very best I hope that maybe, just maybe, someone gets something useful from my ranting...
  1.   Saturday, 31 August 2013
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