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David Butler II
Joined Date:
May 30 2012
Last Login Date:
26 Aug 2012 14:45:55
David Butler is a Licensed, Certified ABOC Optician who resides in Dallas, Texas. He found his passion for writing by writing letters during a very acrimonious period during a relationship. From that experience it taught him to appreciate love and grow not only as a man but as servant of GOD as well.
David Butler's intention is: don't be afraid of Letting Out Vulnerable Emotions (LOVE) to billions.
He began his journey with his first novel: Playa: A Love Story, read by many people across the planet. Now with Why Do Men Love Their Cars and Drive The HELL Out of Their Women? David Butler II continues his ardent passion on life's greatest enigma: Love. He resides in Dallas, Texas, and is currently at work on his third book.

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