Mahogany Keys: The Complex Image of the African American Male Part V

Interview with Quentin J. Tyson – Author and Documentary Filmmaker

Quentin J. Tyson age 36 aka Qwest Allah of the Nation of Gods & Earths.  First born in the year of Born Understanding & disciple of Timothy Muhammad of Medina (Brooklyn NY).  Quentin or Qwest (NGE) is a New Orleans native who attended NGE & NOI classes in New Orleans East as a teenager to find a way to safely separate himself from the drug culture.  While in college he found himself deeply immersed in the some of the deepest aspects of the criminal culture as a night club manager.  He joined the Navy at 24. 

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Who has the authority to separate?

Who are the real owners of the place we call home? That's a question everyone should be asking in the next presidential election. I think of real common sense questions. Why is this so important? Well this photo was posted on another infamous website and linked to the page with a profile of me on it. What's interesting is this person wrote a caption stating the little girl in this photo was a criminal for being Black. Me, once again I totally disagree. Ruby Bridges would have lived a normal life but since she was forced to be among white kids is where all hell broke lose. This was during the Civil Rights movement. Educated Afrikans of the US today and during the movement agree that the Civil Rights movement was a farce. I'm 36 yrs old, my father told me how all his friends and family hated to be bussed to all white schools. As a matter of fact on my show Open Book, Mr. Antione Elliott age 55 mentions how he fought WHITE people in New York! So my question is who has the authority to separate anybody? How did that entity get the authority to force any separation and how did racism become a factor? Simple, the MisConception of Equality. Y'all like, what is this nigga talking about now! Who done got this nigga started?! See that's general consensus of me and my writings. Well if you ain't thinking it then I ain't doing my job. Now the MisConception of Equality, yes mis-"conception". Conception means understanding. So where's the misunderstanding? I'm not a racist, but like Tupac Shakur I'm a realist. Are all humans the same or equal? And who made that "decision" and why? The picture of Ruby Bridges is proof that there is a "working" misconception of equality. How? Because if we are all the same and equal then what's the point of separation? Right? Let's face it, for integration to work somebody has to determine who's going to benefit from it. Hence Supremacy! Someone is greater than someone else. White Supremacy is a business. And to create an idea that everyone should be like the someone is not a crime but the avenue of promoting it is especially if you are from the most recessive form of humanity. Has integration ever worked? How combined is integrated and how separate is segregated? Well for this planet to become populated as it has, something worked. From what I see, based on the Teachings of the Nile Valley Civilizations, integration and segregation worked for the development of the planet but the main difference was there wasn't any differences in race. Now should skin color or race play a role in determining who has any authority to separate anybody on this planet? Before you answer that, you might want to check the facts on who has been exclusively responsible for the separation of people on this planet the last 300 yrs and why? I'll admit it, Afrikans have been the first to separate themselves and forced others to separate from Afrika 300,000 years ago. In some cases it was for criminality and others left because of melanin deficiency. It's a celebrated Asian tradition because of both. Fraternities practice it all the time, you know "the crossing of the burning sands". Every religion uses it as the genesis story of their religions, why? Because it happened at least once. Fact, somebody kicked somebody out from somewhere to somewhere else. So who "naturally" has the authority to separate? White Supremacists know this answer. It's the people who can go anywhere on this earth and flourish. Guess who that is? Check the facts. Then tell me are we all really equal, so where can me and my skin go you can't? Now you understand the misconception, peace.

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Open Book with Envy Red & Q: Michelle Pebbles Caldwell P2, Memoirs of PAIN

Round 2Standby 'cause sh*t is about to get real! Author's Info presents the second part of our interview with Mizz Baltimore Michelle Pebbles Caldwell. In this segment Pebbles talks more about Black Diamond Entertainment and her management of music artists Amazin': GodSon, Xklue, and her son SAVAGE. Also she talks about her childhood, upbringing, life as a Baltimore City Police officer and how to handle HATERS! Like I said before, standby 'cause sh*t is about to get real!

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Dishing out the dirt on an old Afrikan dish.

Oana, if you love doughnuts then let me take you to the motherland. Recently my kids grandmother and I was looking through the cupboards for a crock pot to deep fry some chickens when she introduced me to some of her old cook books. At first I knocked them because these where cookbooks her church published. I'm a member of the Nation of Gods and Earths so anything from a Christian church I pay no attention to. Then I continued on reading some of these 19th/20th century recipes to find some nice recipes. Then Nanna (kids grandmother) asked me if I ever had monkey bread. Monkey Bread? That's what I said. Then Nanna went on telling me about this "monkey bread". She told me that her mother made it all the time for holidays and white folks back then loved it to death. I thought it was an European dish but nope. I'm from New Orleans Louisiana, land of the big booties and creole cuisine. I can cook most of these dishes myself but my family never had this monkey bread. It's really soft dinner rolls layered together with butter to create a butter roll tree. I noticed all of her cook books had a monkey bread recipe in them. I'm like damn, it must not be that good if I haven't heard of it yet. So I did my research to find out this dish is traditionally called Afrikan Coffee Cake. Then I remembered that New Orleans has a dish called Afrikan Coffee Cake that was Christianized for a Christian holiday, Fat Tuesday. This particular dish is the signature piece for the Mardi Gras celebration, the King Cake. I can make a King Cake because my mother taught it me but like most American bred Afrikans our culture and traditions were stolen and outlawed to practice so my momma didn't tell me the origins, just the recipe. So now here in DC my kids are like what is this King Cake or Monkey Bread. After giving them a factual history lesson I decided to make it for them. The first picture is my first attempt made with just sugar, cinnamon, brown sugar, butter and store bought biscuits. It was gone in one day. So I decided to make another one with some Creole "stank" on it. This time I used sweetened butter, molasses, brown and light brown sugar, milk, flour, eggs, and I made the glaze from an old school powdered sugar, water and buttermilk recipe...and here you have it for the second picture. It's a shame that racism is apparent in all American history. What's worse then that is today people play a blind eye to it like it never existed. Maybe if people are really sincere of the truth then maybe we can sit at the table together to have a slice of the King's Cake. But apparently not everyone believe Afrikans should be KINGS. That's funny, who do you think created kingdoms worldwide? Check the facts! Peace.

  4140 Hits

Does trust make you hate or just plain stupid? Part 1

Y'all probably want to know where I get these images from? It's from the same infamous site I chose not to name because I don't get a check from them and they should pay people for the amount of time they spend there. That's another discussion. Is there's something wrong with this photo? I don't believe so. it's pretty accurate "according" to today's social climate. But what scares me is the amount of criminality and destruction it took for that picture to be true. Yes, I said it. If the average person took the time to research most of these religions today, I guarantee they would be outlawed. It's so bad that people are defensive of their religions, and others promote false propaganda stories misleading others to think differently. Why? It's all about greed. That's right, GREED. Ok, if you want to get racial we can. It's those who have not who want to have it all. First off, Afrikans bred in America are not and have not been formerly educated by any European. Just less than 170 yrs ago if you caught a slave reading a book, he was killed on the spot. The only Afrikan bred in America history taught in public schools is all on slavery. Eugenics is in full effect and the Prison Industrial Complex is big business. All this is brought on by who? Christians and Ashkenazi Hebrews. Ask any American bred Afrikan the history of Christianity, I swear you'll see the funniest thing imaginable. Yet they can quote a verse from an imaginary person from a book of stories. Try it! To show you how illiterate people are, the Christian Bible in BOLD print tells you it's a story. Prime example, The Book ACCORDING to Paul, The Book ACCORDING to John, The Book ACCORDING...etc,etc. What's the definition of according? According to who? According to when? According to how? Well, some of us know the why. Funny you don't see one called The Book According to the Christ or Jesus. That should be the first book a Christian should read. Now if there's NOT a book ACCORDING to that dude then how in the hell you gone give credence to something that's said to exist and continues to exist?! It doesn't. According means agreement. That's it. So who agreed to it? Think about who "forced" you to agree to it. That word is called surrender. You know people get angry about this? Yeah! You really want to see something scary, if you want to find a "nigger" (by full definition) go to a Christian Church. They in there, all of them and they'll show you too. There is nothing on Earth liberating Europeans can do for you, so let them have Christianity. Next, a Black Jew? What in the hell is that? Hebrew is not a race, it's a culture like Hip-Hop. A "Black" Hebrew? That's sounds illiterate. You know 200 yrs from now Europeans are going to label Hip-Hop as a race? They already making and calling it homosexual! But these are the people American bred Afrikans TRUST. So does "trust" make you hate or just plain stupid?! Part -1

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A failed system, or is it?

    Above is a picture of Frederico Bruno, he is accused of pushing his ex-girlfriend and 3 month old child out of a window three stories high.  He climbs down from the same window, finds a metal bar stool leg and beats her with it as she is lying on top of the 3 month old baby who broke her fall to a concrete ground.  Read that over again.  Take a deep breath.  Now who is the blame for this type of violence?  Before you go any further, let me add this too...the widow also had an air conditioner installed in it.  For real!  Who do you blame for this type of violence?  Violence has such a profound meaning.  It sure can sway any jury.  Oh did I tell you, he sliced up the victim's friend who attempted to call the police.  Yes sir!  He left them all for dead.  Sad ain't it, or is it?  What if I told you crimes like these are good for business?  Business?!  

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Mahogany Keys: The Complex Image of the African American Man.Part 3.The Black Man as a Protector

   The Black Man as a Protector


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