Done editing,

At least as far as I can do on my own, this was a very weird novella to finish. It started out as two seperate novelettes that kind of shared the same main character. Then I merged the two together. Finally I added a bunch of side stories that ended up twice as long as the actual main plot. So I merged chapters 4 and 6, and 8 and 10. Then the finall half ended up being shorter than the first half, and become more of a sequel short story.

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This is my first blog post, if you have any questions feel free to ask.

The topic for today is about genre, literary, and my personal taste and counter-literary fiction. For a long time I used to be a science fiction writer, specifically prefering to write near future spec fic. Not space travel, but rather new advances in psycho-therapy and other aspects that aren't necessarily to do benefit of recipiants. Though over time my fiction gradually became subtler, focusing more on speculative disorders and less on the technology itself. Until that eventually became closer to contemporary fiction with a very very slight technological bent.

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