Into My Mind

Into My Mind

Into My Mind  by Jana Chantel has been released in September 2011.

Jana` Chantel is a graduate of Grand Valley State University, where she received a degree in creative writing. Inspired by her own personal tragedies, Jana` lends voice to her pain in hopes of helping other young adults work through their's as well.

Here is an excerpt from the book:

I stood there helplessly as I watched the young girl kicking, screaming, and rolling around on her living room floor. She was in pain—that was certain. The burning, tingling feeling overwhelmed her. It felt like a fire entered her body; a strong vibration ripped through her. She kept grabbing her right leg as if she couldn’t feel it anymore. I desperately wanted to console her. I wanted to kneel down by her side and gently rub her head, while telling her that everything was going to be ok. But everything was not ok. It was far from it…

Into My Mind Book Cover

I open my eyes. Back to reality. I am lying on the living room floor—just like the young girl. I feel that burning, tingling feeling—just like the young girl. And I can’t feel my right leg—just like the young girl. Then, I realize that I am that young girl. I try to remember what all happened before this event:

1.      I was babysitting my little sister Autumn.

2.      I was getting Erica, my junior high friend, something to drink.

3.      I was talking in the living room with my brother, James, and Erica.

4.      James said something funny.

5.      There was a loud popping noise.

6.      I saw fire.


My worst fear is that I will die like my mother. I pray to God that he will let me die peacefully. I don’t want to be killed like my mother was. But, the weird thing is my mother died from a gunshot; I almost died from a gunshot—weird, huh?